Turkish Husband Sues Wife For Allegedly Insulting Turkey's President Erdogan

                                                                         Turkey's President Erdogan

A Turkish truck driver has lodged a legal complaint against his own wife for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pro-government media reported today.

Ali D, 40, who married GD three years ago, warned his wife repeatedly not to curse at the president when he appeared on television, Yeni Safak newspaper reported on its website.

But her wife defied his warning and challenged her husband, saying: "Record and lodge a complaint."

The man duly recorded his wife's "insults" as evidence for the case and lodged a complaint with Izmir prosecutors. It was not immediately clear if and when the case would go to trial.

"I kept on warning her, saying why are you doing this? Our president is a good person and did good things for Turkey," Ali D was quoted as saying by Yeni Safak.

But he said his wife kept on insulting Erdogan or just changed the channel whenever the president appeared on television.

"Even if it is my father who swears against or insults the president, I would not forgive and I would complain," the husband said.

In return, the 38-year-old woman opened a case against her husband for divorce, according to the report.

The case comes amid growing concern over the spiralling numbers of journalists, bloggers and ordinary people -- even schoolchildren -- who are being taken to court on charges of insulting Erdogan and other top officials.

Opponents say Erdogan has become increasingly authoritarian since becoming president in August 2014 with criticism increasingly intolerated in the media, on social networks and even on the streets.