Tips To Healthy Eating

The key to a healthy diet is to:
·         Eat the right amount of calories for how active you are, so that you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. If you eat or drink too much, you'll put on weight. If you eat and drink too little, you'll lose weight. It is recommended that men have around 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules). Women should have around 2,000 calories a day (8,400 kilojoules). Most adults are eating more calories than they need, and should eat fewer calories.

·         Eat a wide range of foods to ensure that you're getting a balanced diet and that your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.

Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates
Food that is starchy carbohydrates should make up just over one third of the food you eat. Starchy carbohydrates include potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can: they contain more fibre, and can help you feel full for longer.

Most of us should eat more starchy foods: try to include at least one starchy food with each main meal. Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but gram for gram the carbohydrate they contain provides fewer than half the calories of fat.

Keep an eye on the fats you add when you're cooking or serving these types of foods because that's what increases the calorie content, for example oil on chips, butter on bread and creamy sauces on pasta.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
It's recommended that we eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetable a day. It's easier than it sounds. A 150ml glass of unsweetened 100% fruit juice or smoothie can count as one portion, and vegetables cooked into dishes also count. Why not chop a banana over your breakfast cereal, or swap your usual mid-morning snack for a piece of fresh fruit?

Eat more fish – including a portion of oily fish
Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat at least two portions of fish a week, including at least one portion of oily fish. Oily fish contains omega-3 fats, which may help to prevent heart disease. You can choose from fresh, frozen and canned: but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

Oily fish include salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, fresh tuna, sardines and pilchards. Non-oily fish include haddock, plaice, coley, cod, canned tuna, skate and hake. If you regularly eat a lot of fish, try to choose as wide a variety as possible.

Cut down on saturated fat and sugar and saturated fat in our diet
We all need some fat in our diet, but it's important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat we're eating. There are two main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease.

The average man should have no more than 30g saturated fat a day. The average woman should have no more than 20g saturated fat a day, and children should have less than adults.
Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, cakes, biscuits, sausages, cream, butter, lard and pies. Try to cut down on your saturated fat intake, and choose foods that contain unsaturated fats instead, such as vegetable oils, oily fish and avocados.

For a healthier choice, use just a small amount of vegetable oil or reduced-fat spread instead of butter, lard or ghee. When you're having meat, choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat. 

Sugar in our diet
Regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar increases your risk of obesity and tooth decay. Sugary foods and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, are often high in energy (measured in kilojoules or calories), and if eaten too often, can contribute to weight gain. They can also cause tooth decay, especially if eaten between meals.

Many packaged foods and drinks contain surprisingly high amounts of free sugars. Free sugars are any sugars added to foods or drinks, or found naturally in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices.

Cut down on sugary fizzy drinks, alcoholic drinks, sugary breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits and pastries, which contain added sugars: this is the kind of sugar we should be cutting down on, rather than sugars that are found in things such as fruit and milk.

Food labels can help: use them to check how much sugar foods contain. More than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g means that the food is high in sugar, while 5g of total sugars or less per 100g means that the food is low in sugar.

Eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults
Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. Even if you don’t add salt to your food, you may still be eating too much. About three-quarters of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups, breads and sauces.

Use food labels to help you cut down. More than 1.5g of salt per 100g means the food is high in salt. Adults and children over 11 should eat no more than 6g of salt (about a teaspoonful) a day. Younger children should have even less.

Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health. Being overweight or obese can lead to health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart disease, and stroke. Being underweight could also affect your health.

Most adults need to lose weight, and need to eat fewer calories to do this. If you're trying to lose weight, aim to eat less and be more active. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help: aim to cut down on foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Don't forget that alcohol is also high in calories, so cutting down can help you to control your weight. 

Physical activity can help you to maintain weight loss or be a healthy weight. Being active doesn't have to mean hours at the gym: you can find ways to fit more activity into your daily life. For example, try getting off the bus one stop early on the way home from work, and walking. Being physically active may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

After getting active, remember not to reward yourself with a treat that is high in energy. If you feel hungry after activity, choose foods or drinks that are lower in calories, but still filling.

Don't get thirsty
We need to drink plenty of fluids to stop us getting dehydrated – the government recommends 6-8 glasses every day. This is in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat. All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water and lower-fat milk are healthier choices. 
Try to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks that are high in added sugars and calories, and are also bad for teeth. Even unsweetened fruit juice and smoothies are high in free sugar, so limit how much you drink to no more than one 150ml glass of fruit juice each day.
When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more fluids.

Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. A wholegrain lower-sugar with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

Sexual Arousal In Men

Researchers have identified four stages of sexual response in men and women: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution.

Stage 1: excitement or arousal
A man gets an erection with physical or psychological stimulation, or both. This causes more blood to flow into three spongy areas (called corpora) that run along the length of his penis. The skin is loose and mobile, allowing his penis to grow. His scrotum (the bag of skin holding the testicles) becomes tighter, so his testicles are drawn up towards the body.

Stage 2: plateau
The glans (head) of his penis gets wider and the blood vessels in and around the penis fill with blood. This causes the colour to deepen and his testicles to grow up to 50% larger.
His testicles continue to rise, and a warm feeling around the perineum (area between the testicles and anus) develops. His heart rate increase, blood pressure rises, breathing becomes quicker, and his thighs and buttocks tighten. He's getting close to orgasm.

Stage 3: orgasm and ejaculation
A series of contractions force semen into the urethra, (the tube along which urine and semen come out of the penis). These contractions occur in the pelvic floor muscles, in the vas deferens (tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the penis), and also in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, which both add fluid to the sperm. This mix of sperm (5%) and fluid (95%) is called semen.  

These contractions are part of orgasm, and the man reaches a point where he can’t stop ejaculation from happening. Contractions of the prostate gland and the pelvic floor muscles then lead to ejaculation, when semen is forced out of the penis.

Stage 4: resolution
The man now has a recovery phase, when the penis and testicles shrink back to their normal size. He is breathing heavily and fast, his heart is beating rapidly, and he might be sweating.
There's a period of time after ejaculation when another orgasm isn’t possible. This varies between men, from a few minutes to a few hours or even days. The time generally gets longer as men get older.

If a man gets aroused but doesn’t ejaculate, this resolution stage can take longer, and his testicles and pelvis might ache. 

Sexual Arousal In Women

During arousal and sex, there are various stages of physical response. Researchers have identified four stages of sexual response in women and men: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. This article describes what happens in a woman's body when she is sexually aroused.

Stage 1: excitement or arousal
When a woman becomes aroused (turned on), the blood vessels in her genitals dilate. There is increased blood flow in the vaginal walls, which causes fluid to pass through them. This is the main source of lubrication, which makes the vagina wet.

The external genitalia or vulva (including the clitoris, vaginal opening, and inner and outer lips or labia) become engorged (swollen) due to the increased blood supply. Inside the body, the top of the vagina expands.

The pulse and breathing quicken, and blood pressure rises. A woman may become flushed, especially on the chest and neck, due to the blood vessels dilating.

Stage 2: plateaucccccc
Blood flow to the lower third of the vagina reaches its limit, and causes the lower area of the vagina to become swollen and firm. This is called the introitus, sometimes known as the orgasmic platform, and undergoes rhythmic contractions during orgasm. 

A woman’s breasts may increase in size by up to 25%, and blood flow to the area around the nipple (the areola) increases, making the nipples look less erect.

As a woman gets closer to orgasm, her clitoris pulls back against the pubic bone and seems to disappear. Continuous stimulation is needed in this phase to build up enough sexual excitement for orgasm. 

Stage 3: orgasm
Orgasm is the intense and pleasurable release of sexual tension that has built up in the earlier stages, characterised by contractions (0.8 seconds apart) of the genital muscles, including the introitus. 

Most women don’t experience the recovery period that men do after an orgasm. A woman may have another orgasm if she's stimulated again.

Not all women have an orgasm every time they have sex. For most women, foreplay is an important role in an orgasm occurring. This can include stroking erogenous zones and stimulating the clitoris.  

Stage 4: resolution
This is when the woman's body slowly returns to its normal state. Swelling reduces, and breathing and heart rate slow down. 

Cameroon Deploys Drones Against Boko Haram

Cameroon's army is deploying drones to identify and target Boko Haram positions along the country's border with Nigeria, a region that is frequently targeted by the Islamist militant group.

Boko Haram violence has left at least 17,000 dead and forced more than 2.6 million from their homes since the group launched its insurgency in Nigeria in 2009.

Nearly 1,200 people have been killed since the Nigerian fighters took their offensive into Cameroon in 2013, according to government figures.

In recent years, Boko Haram fighters slipped back and forth across the frontier, often using Cameroon's remote north as a rear base, acquiring arms, vehicles and supplies there.

Since late November the Cameroon army has carried out operations in several border areas aimed at weakening the Nigeria-based militants.

North Korea Threatens To Kill South Korean President

S. Korean Presidential residence
North Korea released a video showing a simulation of South Korea's presidential residence, Blue House, exploding. The provocative video was part of a larger message from Pyongyang's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, South Korean news network YTN reported.

 The North Korean government reportedly stated it is prepared to launch a scorched earth attack on the residence of South Korean President Park Geun-hye, using its large-caliber multiple rocket launchers. The entire North Korean military and people are ready to "retaliate" against the South Korean leader, Pyongyang said. 

"From this vantage point the Korean People's Army, the army of farmers and laborers, Red Youth Guards, and every movement of the people will resolutely move toward the elimination of Park Geun-hye's traitor faction," North Korea stated, according to Pyongyang's news agency KCNA.

Group Launches New Attack On Trump By Shaming His Wife

In what could be a last-ditch effort to derail Donald Trump’s march to the Republican presidential nomination, a super PAC has released an ad targeted at voters in Utah that slut-shames the frontrunner’s wife, Melania Trump.

 The ad is specifically designed to persuade Mormons in Utah to not vote for Trump in the state’s caucus on what has been dubbed Western Tuesday.

 But, in one of its ads, instead of attacking The Donald directly, Make America Awesome, the super PAC founded by Republican strategist Liz Mair, takes a shot at Melania, showing an old photo of her posing naked with the text “Meet Melania Trump. Your Next First Lady” printed across the top of the image.

Anonymous Threatens ISIS Again Following Brussels Terror Attacks[Video]

Anonymous is not taking Tuesday's terror attacks on Belgium lying down. Sky News reported Wednesday. The hacktivist collective has released a new video in which it once again takes aim at ISIS, which took credit for the March 22 bombings in Brussels that left dozens dead and hundreds injured. 

"Our freedom is once again under attack," said a computerized voice in the latest video. "This cannot continue."

The group goes on to explain that, following the Islamic State's attack on Paris in November, it hit the terrorist organization hard, shutting down "thousands" of its Twitter accounts, stealing its money and its bitcoins, "severely punished Daesh on the dark net" and hacked ISIS's propaganda sites. 

And indeed, Anonymous released a similar video days after the ISIS-perpetrated Paris attacks, in which 130 people died and hundreds more were wounded. In that video, the group declared war on the Islamic State and warned that it should "expect massive cyber-attacks." 

Chinese Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing US Military Aircraft Data

A Chinese man has pleaded guilty in a “years-long” conspiracy to hack into U.S. networks to steal sensitive information, including data on the C-17 cargo plane and fighter jet aircraft, the Justice Department announced Wednesday.

 Su Bin, also known as Stephen Su and Stephen Subin, 50, a citizen and resident of the People’s Republic of China, pleaded guilty to the crime in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, according to a press release from the department.

A China-based businessman who worked in the aviation and aerospace fields, Su is accused of playing a role “in the criminal conspiracy to steal military technical data, including data relating to the C-17 strategic transport aircraft and certain fighter jets produced for the U.S. military,” 

Why My Company Has Been Very Successful – Dangote

Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, has stated that the challenge of electricity was adversely affecting the growth of the continent’s economy.

Speaking at the Africa CEO forum in Abidjan, the President of Dangote group also disclosed what has made his conglomerate successful.

“Where I come from, which is Kano in Nigeria, we have over 20 million people and we are sharing 35 megawatts only,” Dangote said.

“So when we started business as a group, we said that we would not go into the national grid. Every single country that we are operating in, we would create, generate our own power and that is why we have been very, very successful.”

In his remark, President of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, said Africa must seek ways to light up the continent.

“If you walk in the dark, you’ll stumble and you will fall. But if you walk in the light, you will constantly see thing ahead of you,” he said.

“The problem is, in Africa, you have today 645 million people without electricity. You have the GDP in which the cost of not having electricity is about four to five percent shaved off.
“We cannot be competitive when it comes to value adding. We cannot industrialise because we have no electricity. The kids cannot go to school because we have no electricity.

“Vaccines can’t be in hospitals because we have no electricity, and business are operating at very high cost, using diesel. In other words, what is the emergency power supply system has become the normal power supply system – no way!

“And as Africa Development Bank, I know that the very blood of Africa’s transmission and life is what we do.”

Nigeria’s electricity generation currently fluctuates around 4,000MW, a meagre capacity for a country of over 170million.

 Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, has stated that the challenge of electricity was adversely affecting the growth of the continent’s economy.

Speaking at the Africa CEO forum in Abidjan, the President of Dangote group also disclosed what has made his conglomerate successful.

“Where I come from, which is Kano in Nigeria, we have over 20 million people and we are sharing 35 megawatts only,” Dangote said.

“So when we started business as a group, we said that we would not go into the national grid. Every single country that we are operating in, we would create, generate our own power and that is why we have been very, very successful.”

In his remark, President of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, said Africa must seek ways to light up the continent.

“If you walk in the dark, you’ll stumble and you will fall. But if you walk in the light, you will constantly see thing ahead of you,” he said.

“The problem is, in Africa, you have today 645 million people without electricity. You have the GDP in which the cost of not having electricity is about four to five percent shaved off.
“We cannot be competitive when it comes to value adding. We cannot industrialise because we have no electricity. The kids cannot go to school because we have no electricity.

“Vaccines can’t be in hospitals because we have no electricity, and business are operating at very high cost, using diesel. In other words, what is the emergency power supply system has become the normal power supply system – no way!

“And as Africa Development Bank, I know that the very blood of Africa’s transmission and life is what we do.”

Nigeria’s electricity generation currently fluctuates around 4,000 MW, a meagre capacity for a country of over 170 million.

Drama, As Armed Policemen Storm Courtroom during Badeh’s Trial

A mild drama occurred on Thursday morning at the Federal High Court in Abuja as armed policemen stormed the courtroom when the trial of a former Chief of Defence Staff, Alex Badeh was about to commence.

The presence of the armed policemen was informed by security threats against the judge.
 The reason for the presence of heavily armed police men is as a result of security threats against the trial judge.

Justice Okon Abang, while responding to an enquiry by Badeh’s counsel, Akin Olujimi ordered the policemen to stay outside the courtroom saying, “their presence is a court issue.”

Badeh is facing an 11-count charge of criminal breach of trust and corruption to the tune of N3.9bn leveled against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.
The EFCC had alleged that the former defence chief used funds of the Nigeria Air Force to purchase choice property in Abuja.

According to the anti-graft agency, Badeh illegally used N60m to renovate his son’s house, which he purchased for N260m in Abuja between January and December 2013.

The ex-defence chief is also alleged to have used N878m – being funds of the air force – to build a shopping mall in Abuja.

Saraki’s Motion to Stop Trial at CCT Struck Out

Saraki in the duck
The Code of Conduct Tribunal has ruled that it has jurisdiction to entertain charges of 13-counts of false asset declaration brought against Nigeria Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki.

In his ruling, Justice Danladi Umar cited relevant sections of the constitution empowering the Tribunal to hear matters of such nature, stating that the principle of fair hearing had been exhaustively applied to both parties, hence, Defence Counsel, Kanu Agabi’s motion on the question of jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct Tribunal, despite Supreme Court’s ruling on the same matter was unnecessary.

Justice Danladi further pounded his reasons which knocked out Agabi’s argument that the investigation report that Saraki was being charged for was both carried out by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Federal Ministry of Justice and in such a situation, the Attorney General of the Federation could initiate proceedings.

Invoking section 174 of the Constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria, Justice Danladi reminded both Counsels that the Attorney General of the Federation who is the Chief law officer has powers to take over criminal proceeding against anyone, thus, if such was was to be applied in this circumstance, the federal government has not erred in law in Saraki’s trial before the Code of Conduct Tribunal.

Citing section 3 of the Constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended and other extant laws, Danladi opined that it was an affront on the nation that a suspect seeks to evade Justice when the issues bothers on corruption and abuse of office.

He noted that Code of Conduct Tribunal is a special court, a creation of the constitution itself exclusively to try matters of corruption in public offices, and so the motion has been quashed and struck out. Danladi ordered that trial of Saraki should continue as charged.

Boko Haram leader, Shekau appears in new video [VIDEO]

After over seven months of silence, self-acclaimed leader of the Boko Haram sect, Abubakar Shekau has resurfaced in a new propaganda video, saying he is alive and providing encouragement for his fighters who have been under heavy pressure from regional forces.

In the seven-minute video released on Thursday, a weak Abubakar Shekau appears in a military fatigue with a rifle resting on his left shoulder and said he wanted to thank his followers for their dedication.

What he said in both Hausa and Arabic roughly translates to: “I have done my part. This message is just to reassure you that I’m alive and actually the one speaking to you.”

Nigerian forces have continued to insist that the real Shekau has been killed about two years ago when troops raided one of the strongholds of the terror group.

Cameroon Beefs Up Security After Belgian Terror Attack

Security measures in Cameroon have been tightened after reports that Islamist terror group Boko Haram had managed to infiltrate the capital Yaounde, just a few days before Italy's Pesident Sergio Mattarella was due to visit the city.

The threat from the group, which has previously carried out operations several hundreds of kilometres away from Yaounde, was believed genuine. Security arrangements were beefed up for Mr Mattarella's visit, with soldiers out in the streets and at key points in the city, such as 20th May Boulevard, the city's main thoroughfare, where the large hotels are located and where public demonstrations take place.

The alarm was sounded in a confidential letter to top military officers from Cameroon's Defence Minister Joseph Beti Assomo, which was leaked to the press. It was dated early March, just 10 days or so before the Italian President's official visit, which began on Mar. 17.

As the president of one of Europe's leading countries, he is naturally seen as someone to be protected at all costs by the local authorities. Voice of America (VOA), said: "Boko Haram terrorists had arrived in the city and were making ready to carry out operations at any moment.’’

Mr Assomo thus ordered the army to carry out checks everywhere, in public areas, squares, churches, shops and schools, as well as public buildings and ministries. The leaked information has caused no little embarrassment.

Orders include the immediate arrest of suspects, the intensification of intelligence gathering and increased protection for foreigners, diplomats and economic operators in Yaounde. The minister said terrorism threats in Yaounde were real. On Mar. 5, VOA described Yaounde as being "in the grip of panic".

The manager of the hotel hosting the Italian delegation left important written instructions in guests' rooms that windows should not be opened and that balconies overlooking 20th May Boulevard should not be used.

Snipers were positioned on the opposite buildings. Double safety checks were carried out on all bags and luggage, first by soldiers, and then by men in civilian dress. 

Enslaved Cameroonians in Kuwait Write Biya

Hundreds of Cameroonian girls and boys trapped in a Kuwaiti Government shelter have written two separate letters to President Paul Biya and the Minister Delegate in the Ministry of External Relations, in Charge of Relations with the Islamic world, requesting emergency assistance to enable them return home to their families.

The letters emerged in online forums following an ongoing five day visit to Cameroon by Kuwaiti members of parliament. The visit is expected to end tomorrow.

In the letter to president Biya dated November 13, 2015, the victims say they were tricked by agents of Kuwait hiring agencies.

“We came to Kuwait to work – a majority of us intended to work as domestic servants, while a few came here for other jobs. The rest of us came here for studies. We were all deceived and ended up in the same lot. In fact, we realized we had all been sold into slavery. Since our passports were confiscated upon our arrival at the airport, we had no choice but to stay,” they complained, adding that they have been through all sorts of inhumane treatments, including rape, battery, torture and imprisonment.

It was also stated in the letter that some Cameroonian girls were killed by poisoning, while others were butchered to death by their so-called employers. They attested that videos which have been circulating on the internet were actually posted by them and depicted their suffering.

“We had to take the risk of escaping from the homes where we worked. By the grace of God we were admitted into the embassies of Togo and the Central African Republics because Cameroon has no embassy in Kuwait. They later moved us to the Shelter,” the girls said.

They were 108 of them at the time the letter was written. They stated in the letter that they were twice as many as citizens of any other countries living in the camp.

“We have become a burden to the centre. Some of us are sick, traumatized, while others still have injuries sustained while trying to flee from their employers,” they stated in the hand written letter.

They call on president Biya to find an urgent solution to the “tragic and desperate situation” in which they find themselves.

Meanwhile, the letter to the minister delegate in charge of relations with the Islamic world was written when the victims learned he was going to lead a delegation from Cameroon to Kuwait. They outlined their sufferings and needs.

Unfortunately, the Minister, Adoum Gargoum, visited Kuwait and returned without solving the problem.

In a brief interview accorded the press upon arrival at the Yaounde international airport on March 21, Saud Nashmi Alhuraiji, chairman of the first friendship group committee of the Kuwait national assembly who led a four-man delegation of MPs to Cameroon had this to say: “Our country attaches a lot of importance and respect for human rights.” He is reported to have pointed out that the United Nations considers Kuwait as a nation that respects human rights particularly those of women.

It should be noted, however, that Saudi Arabia, which is the chair of the United Nations human rights council is notorious for public execution of criminals, by chopping off their heads.

Man Killed While Trying To Rob Biya’s Residence In Garoua

Cameroon's President Paul Biya
Hamidou Bouba was shot on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, by the police at the residence of the head of state in Garoua.

The incident took place 2 a.m., Tuesday, 22nd March, 2016. According to ‘Le Jour’ newspaper, the security agents were alerted by a metallic sound coming from within the premises.  

Hamidou was trying to steal grilled panels that protected the tank in the residence when luck ran out of him. He had succeeded in removing 5 panels, it was in the process of removing the 6th one when it slipped from his hands and fell to the ground. The security guards rushed to the spot and ordered Hamidou to ‘’freeze.’’  When he refused to obey the order, he was shot on his left side.

Residents in the area testified that it was not the first time Hamidou was engaging in acts of burglary. Many people had complained about him before.

He was also in the habit of brandishing a certificate of declaration of loss ID card, which has long expired.

Trump Angers Cruz By Threatening His Wife

Shortly after publishing and then deleting a menacing Twitter post about the wife of Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump quickly corrected himself late Tuesday - by adding more colorful language and punctuation to his threat.

"Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from G.Q. shoot in his ad," Trump wrote in the slightly revised message. "Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!"

Trump appeared to be referring to a recent ad from the super PAC Make America Awesome, which showed Trump's wife Melania, a former model, posing nude. The ad, which was targeted to Mormon voters, has no ties to Cruz's campaign.

But the text beside an image of Melania Trump reads, "Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday."

Less than 30 minutes after Donald Trump's post, as primary results trickled in, Cruz responded.

"Pic of your wife not from us," he wrote. "Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you're more of a coward than I thought. #classless."

Brussels Bombing Prime Suspect Arrested: Media

A prime suspect in Tuesday's Brussels bombings, Najim Laachraoui, was arrested on Wednesday in the city's Anderlecht district, several Belgian media said.

Police and prosecutors could not be reached for comment, but federal prosecutors announced they would hold a news conference at 1200 GMT.

Police were hunting Laachraoui as being a man seen with suspected suicide bombers at Brussels airport.

Belgium Identifies Brussels Airport Attackers: Media

Identified on CCTV
The two men who blew themselves up at Brussels airport on Tuesday were brothers known to the police and a third attacker, who is at large, is a known Paris attacks suspect, Belgian media said on Wednesday.

The suicide bombers were named as Khalid and Brahim El Bakraoui and the third man as Najim Laachraoui. Federal prosecutors declined to comment, but said they would provide information in the course of the morning.

Laachraoui's DNA had been found in houses used by the Paris attackers last year, prosecutors said on Monday, adding that he had traveled to Hungary in September with Paris attacks prime suspect Salah Abdeslam.

Captured on a security camera photograph at Brussels Airport on Tuesday morning beside the El Bakraoui brothers, Laachraoui did not detonate a bomb and is still at large. A bomb was subsequently destroyed in a controlled explosion.

Khalid El Bakraoui, 27, had rented under a false name the flat in the Forest borough of the Belgian capital where police killed a gunman in a raid last week, RTBF said.
Belgian newspaper DH said the Bakraoui brothers may have fled the flat in Forest after last week's shootout.

In the raid, investigators found an Islamic State flag, an assault rifle, detonators and a fingerprint of Abdeslam, who was arrested three days later. Both brothers have criminal records, but have not been linked by the police to Islamist militants until now, RTBF said.

Brahim El Bakraoui, 30, was convicted in October 2010 for firing a Kalashnikov assault rifle at police and wounding an officer after a robbery in Brussels earlier that year. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. In 2011, his brother Khalid was given a sentence of five years for carjacking.

Middle East Countries Respond To Brussels Attacks With Anger And Finger-Pointing

Mourners laying candles
The deadly attacks on Brussels brought swift condemnation across the Middle East, but some countries seized the moment to criticize the West for adhering to policies that they said had planted the seeds for such acts of terrorism.

Syria’s embattled government, locked in a five-year fight against rebels seeking to topple President Bashar Assad, said the attacks confirmed “anew that terrorism has no borders."

The attacks, a source with the Foreign Ministry was quoted as saying, represented “the inevitable result of wrong policies and sympathy with terrorism to achieve certain agendas and legitimizing it by describing some terrorist groups as moderate," the spokesperson said.

In Syria, Western countries have helped prop up rebel factions, especially those operating under the opposition’s  Free Syrian Army, while describing them as “moderate” groups that seek to overthrow Assad’s government while rejecting Islamic extremism.

The Syrian government considers the rebels to be terrorists who do the business of Assad’s international and regional enemies, especially Saudi Arabia, which has provided money and weapons to the opposition.

FG to Raise VAT, Release N350 Billion Budgeted Expenditure

NASS complex
The federal government has said that it will inject N350 billion budgeted expenditure to revamp the Nigerian economy in the next few months. It will equally work in collaboration with the state governments to adopt a plan for the gradual increase of value added tax (VAT) on goods and services.

These were some of the decisions taken at the end of a two-day retreat for governors of the 36 states of the federation and members of the National Economic Council (NEC) at the Presidential Villa in Abuja.

The Nigerian economy has been hit by dwindling crude oil prices, leading to a shortage of foreign exchange, a shrinking economy and spiraling inflation, which have all impacted on the standard of living and impeded the ability of several state governments to pay the salaries of their workers.

Briefing State House correspondents at the end of the retreat, the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, who was joined by the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, Zamfara State Governor, Mr. Abdul’aziz Yari and his Anambra State counterpart, Mr. Willie Obiano, said part of the funds would assist in the payment of local contractors who had laid off their staff due to lack of funds.

Nigerian Doctors Abroad Give Conditions To Return Home

PHYSICIANS of Nigerian origin practicing abroad have given the Federal Government some conditions under which they can transfer their services home, among which include granting them low interest loans and high reduction in tariff of transportation of medical equipment into the country. But the Senate swiftly advised them to seek request for the former from the governments of America and the United Kingdom as according to it, Nigeria lacks such financial strength.

 Speaking yesterday, during a courtesy call on the Senate Committee on Health, the medical practitioners under the aegis of Association of Nigerian Physicians in the Americas, ANPA, said they had intention of moving their trade back home given what they called “ineffective medical health care” in Nigeria but but being prevented by the issues listed.

The physicians, who spoke through their National President, Nkem Chukwumerije,said they had passion to return and work for their fatherland but lamented that government was not doing enough to encourage their relocation.

Chukwumerije listed poor remuneration, inadequate modern equipment to work with, and lack of low interest loans for those who want to set up medical facilities in Nigeria, among others, problems hindering their return.

Nigerians Unhappy With State of Economy-Buhari

President Buhari
 President Muhammadu Buhari, yesterday opened on the state of the nation’s economy and for the first time, admitted that Nigerians are fully united about the ills facing the economy.
The President who was speaking at the opening session of National Economic Council Retreat specifically conveyed to address current economic challenges at the State House Conference Centre, Abuja, said he was seeking the help of foreign investors and local construction companies in his efforts to fix the economy, especially the housing deficiency.

“We invite foreign investors together with local domiciled big construction companies to enter into commercial housing building to pick up the rest”

He declared that from “information at my disposal, if we aggregate public views from the grassroots, city dwellers, the economic managers, consumer groups, the Unions and other stakeholders of the economy, there is near unanimity about the ills of our economy. But naturally, there are divergent views about solutions.”

The President who stated that he was limiting current efforts at the retreat to areas such as Agriculture, Power, Manufacturing and Housing, however stated that other areas such as Education, Science and Technology were reserved because they “require a whole retreat by themselves”

Speaking on the power sector challenges, the President noted that Power situation in the country was no longer a laughing matter, adding that current administration has a target to generate 10,000megawatts in the three years, while 2,000; Megawatts will be developed in 2016 alone.

FG To Pump N350B Into The Economy——Adeosun

Finance Minister, Kemi Adeosun
Federal government yesterday rose from the two-day economic retreat with a resolution to immediately pump the sum of N350 Billion into the economy as part of measures to stimulate growth and ease economic sufferings in the country.

This is just as government has also resolved to free the N58 bllion currently trapped with the Universal Basic Education Commission to rehabilitate about 1000 Schools across the 36 states of the federation.

Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun disclosed this while speaking at the end of the two day economic retreat organized by the federal government which took place at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Adeosun who spoke in the presence of Chairman Nigeria Governors Forum and Zamafara Governor, Alhaji Abubakar Yari, Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano, as well as the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Udoma Udo Udoma, said government was in the process of identifying contractors with ongoing contracts as part of plans to further stimulate the economy.