While “eating yourself to death” is a common expression, the consumption of specific foods can cause the expression to be quite literal. Listed below are 10 foods that are high in poisonous properties and potentially fatal.
Cherry Seeds
While cherries are quite healthy and savory, cherry seeds can pose a potential threat.
Containing hydrogen cyanide, cherry seeds that have been crushed or chewed can be very hazardous to your health. While the concept of chewing a cheery seed seems ridiculous, a young child, for example, could attempt to crush the seed simply out of boredom and/or curiosity. When eating a fresh cherry, simply eat around the seed and promptly discard when all of the meat is gone.
If you consume fresh cherries on a routine basis, purchasing a cherry pitter (seed remover) could be something to consider.
Apple Seeds
Similar to cherries, apples are very healthy and nutritious but their seeds carry traces of cyanide. While the consumption of a few seeds will likely not pose a serious threat, heavy apple consumption, seeds included, can cause a problem.
If you’re concerned about accidental seed consumption, especially for children, simply cut the apple in half and remove the seeds from the core. Another course of preparation is to cut the apple into small pieces and simply throw away the center with the seeds still intact.
Similar to cherries, apples are very healthy and nutritious but their seeds carry traces of cyanide. While the consumption of a few seeds will likely not pose a serious threat, heavy apple consumption, seeds included, can cause a problem.
If you’re concerned about accidental seed consumption, especially for children, simply cut the apple in half and remove the seeds from the core. Another course of preparation is to cut the apple into small pieces and simply throw away the center with the seeds still intact.
While rhubarb stalks are completely safe by all accounts, rhubarb leaves are a very different story. Containing oxalic acid, a common chemical found in bleach as well as metal and anti-rust cleaners, consumption of these leaves can lead to serious medical issues.
Burning mouth and throat, vomiting, stomach pain, convulsions, and even death are some of the frightening results that can accompany the ingestion of rhubarb leaves.
Typically sold to the general public without leaves, you’re advised to be on heightened alert when growing rhubarb in your own garden. It is vital to monitor leaf growth and remove and discard. Do no feed leaves to animals.
Tapioca (Cassava)
Cassava, better known as tapioca to most people within the United States and various parts of the world, contains high levels of cyanide. While poisonous and potentially deadly, when cassava is soaked and dried properly it is suitable for consumption.
However, just the slightest misstep in preparation can be fatal. While cassava poses little threat to most developed countries, places like Africa, for example, is essentially ground zero for cyanide related issues caused by the consumption of cassava.
Konzo is a chronic and debilitating ailment associated with cyanide poisoning. This condition reduces its victims to either a wheelchair or an assisted walking device.
Lima Beans
While lima beans are quite delicious and quite traditional, raw lima beans are deadly.
Containing high levels of cyanide, which is part of the plant’s natural defense system, lima beans should never be consumed raw. While the United States government has strict rules concerning cyanide levels in lima beans that are commercially grown, that’s not the case in undeveloped countries across the globe.
As a course of least regret for all lima beans — purchased within the United States or elsewhere, cook the beans thoroughly and allow the cyanide to escape in the form of gas. Draining the water is crucial as well.
Fugu (Puffer Fish)
The deadly toxin known as tetrodotoxin has the ability to ensure that pufferfish will be your last meal. Up to 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide, pufferfish are believed to be one of the most poisonous vertebrates in the world.
In fact, one pufferfish has the ability to kill 30 people.
Quite the delicacy in Japan, fugu as it is called, claimed 23 lives from 2000 to 2009 and poisoned a total of 338 people. It should go without saying that unless you have a death wish you’d be well served to avoid consuming pufferfish at all costs.
Castor Bean
While castor oil is a time-honored medicinal healer, the consumption of the actual bean can be deadly. High in ricin, castor beans are essentially nothing but poison.
Per research, just one or two castor beans can kill a human. How deadly is ricin? Over the years the poison has been used by high level officials as well as shady underground operatives as a means to remove certain individuals from the equation of life. Harsh, right? If ricin can be used by assassins, then traditional members of society have no business going near these deadly beans.
Bitter Almonds
While almonds are very healthy and rather popular, the difference between positive health benefits and early death can be just one bite away depending on the type of almond you consume.
Bitter almonds, which are high in cyanide, are nothing short of deadly. While bitter almonds are never sold on the traditional consumer market, roughly 20 bitter almonds are enough to kill an average adult.
On the flip side of the equation, sweet almonds are the type we all know and love. Contrary to their lethal counterpart, the only problems sweet almonds will likely ever cause is a gummy and mealy texture in your mouth.
Potatoes And Tomatoes
Are potatoes and tomatoes really poisonous and potentially deadly?
As members of the nightshade family, the leaves and stems of both potatoes and tomatoes contain a toxic alkaloid known as solanine. While toxicity from said leaves and stems is highly unlikely in this current age, prior to the year 1820 many people considered tomatoes to be poisonous.
Again, while the odds of being poisoned by either a potato or tomato are slim, it can occur. Symptoms such as diarrhoea, low blood pressure, and excessive salivation are just a few of the most notable signs of concern.
Chances are that if you’ve never associated any of the prior items on this list with toxicity and death, you’re likely quite familiar with the deadlines of certain mushrooms. Whether the knowledge was acquired through health studies, old family stories, or even through the reading of fictional literature, death by a poisonous mushroom is a known theme.
Amanita phalloides and amanita ocreata are the deadliest. Accounting for 95% of all mushroom poisoning cases, they are also responsible for 75% of mushroom related fatalities.
Attempting to embark on a mushroom picking excursion could become rather problematic, especially when you don’t know what you’re looking for in terms of safe selections. After all, a mushroom, even the most delicious, is still nothing more than a fungus.
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