Health Benefits of Chocolate

Although chocolate is viewed by many as junk food that should be avoided, there are some health benefits associated with eating chocolate. Here are some of them.

Reduces Risk of Heart Attack
One of the most talked about and researched benefits of chocolate is quite possibly one of the least expected. According to Diane Becker, MPH, ScD, a researcher at the world-renowned Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, just a few pieces of dark chocolate, consumed daily, can reduce the risk of a heart attack by as much as 50%.

Per research conducted by Dr. Becker, blood platelets clot at a slower pace in those who have consumed chocolate compared to those who have not. Quite obviously, less clotting means less chance of blood vessel blockage.

According to Dr. Becker, the flavonols in cocoa beans have been deemed responsible for this conclusion.

Lowers Blood Pressure And Increases Insulin Sensitivity
In addition to reducing the risk for heart attack, researchers from the Harvard University School of Public Health have concluded that cocoa and dark chocolate can lower overall blood pressure as well as decrease the odds of a person developing diabetes.
Similar to heart attack reducing qualities, flavonols are also responsible for this conclusion in respect to improved blood pressure and increased insulin sensitivity.

Boosts Energy Level
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue? Consider implementing a small amount of dark chocolate into your daily diet as a way to boost your overall energy level.

According to Elaine Magee, MPH, RD, noting the research of Dr. Steve Atkin, PhD, dark chocolate can serve as a natural stimulant which can improve mood and sleep.

According to a small group study in England, just over one ounce of 85% dark chocolate was given to people who had been suffering from symptoms of chronic fatigue for eight weeks. The results concluded that group members reported feeling less tired after consuming dark chocolate.

Additionally, no weight gain was reported during the study. Those responsible for the research believe that chocolate can enhance sleeping patterns thus resulting in less fatigue. However, per the documentation, more research needs to be done concerning this particular health benefit.

 Contributes to Weight Loss
Are you searching for a quick and easy way to reduce your hunger cravings between meals?
Dr. David Katz, who serves as the founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Centre, notes that dark chocolate, which is high in fibre, has the ability to suppress your appetite. This information is quite beneficial, especially for those who are looking for effective ways to avoid binge snacking while trying to lose weight.

Reliefs Cough
Due to the chemical known as theobromine, chocolate can potentially have the ability to suppress activity in the vagus nerve which can serve the same purpose as traditional cough syrup, minus the drowsy side effects of codeine.

This information is courtesy of Maria Belvisi, professor of respiratory pharmacology at the National Heart and Lung Institute in London.

Improves Mood
Chocolate contains caffeine and the aforementioned chemical known as theobromine. These elements coupled with the increased production of endorphins promoted by the consumption of chocolate can serve as a way to relieve stress and tension.

In the same way that chocolate can potentially turn young children into live wires, chocolate also has the same impact on adults when it comes to mood improvement. If you find yourself in the midst of a stressful day, consume a piece of chocolate as a way to change your demeanour. This information is courtesy of the health site Organic Facts.

Reduces Risk of Stroke
According to information documented in The Huffington Post, a 2011 study found that women who consumed 45 grams of chocolate per week had a 20% less chance of suffering a stroke compared to women who ingested less than nine grams of chocolate over the same period of time.

While many studies of this nature are often inconclusive in terms of the general population, the findings are rather interesting on several different levels.

 Works for Diarrhea
Research conducted by scientists at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, California has uncovered a link between chocolate consumption and decreased diarrhea.

While the findings are rather unusual on the surface, and potentially quite humorous and unexpected to some, using chocolate as a remedy for diarrhea dates back to the 16th century according to Women’s Health Magazine.

In terms of medical evidence, the research institute discovered that cocoa flavonoids have the ability to work in conjunction with a natural protein that regulates fluid activity in the small intestine. The binding of flavonoids to the protein in question can serve as a way to reduce fluid secretion which essentially eliminates the onset of diarrhea.

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