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How to Pick the Right Wife
Marriage is a life-long commitment and requires a great deal of forethought, so picking the right wife is of utmost importance. To get married without planning for it is a terrible decision.
Getting married is like making a business decision. It is a contract between two parties. You enter into it with the mindset that it is going to work.
Just like an investor carefully selects the right company to invest his money in, you have got to choose the right wife to spend the rest of your life with.
Marriage isn’t about love or connecting with your soul-mate. Those are inventions of TV and movies. Marriage is an exchange of resources. Your wife shall provide A and you will provide B. If your wife doesn’t, or won’t, provide her share then she should not have the privilege of marriage with you.
Marriage is a contract and you’ve got to try your hardest to make sure that contract is reinforced. You cannot make the best decision when you’re emotionally love-sick like a 16 year old school girl. No businessman who wants to stay in business will sign a contract in an emotional state of mind and no man who wants to stay married will sign all of his power away just because he loves her. It takes rational, clear-headed planning and thinking to pick the right wife material.
The goals of a marriage should be:
1) Minimize the chance of divorce theft and child robbery.
2) Maximize wife’s happiness with her wifely and motherly duties (the complete opposite of everything you will see, read or hear). It’s not about empowerment (or any other buzzword designed to kill the traditional family), she should be completely devoted to her family. True happiness for a woman comes from her family, it does not come from her career, or her “independence”, or her sexually liberated point of view.
3) Have a healthy, happy family with well educated, respectful children – non-sissified sons and girlish daughters with strong family values.
Be honest about what you want:
Most men don’t want an “independent, empowered” woman. That’s code for bitchy slut with a chip on her shoulder.
We all want a sweet, nice, joyful, feminine woman who treats her man like a King.
Bullshitters will suck up to the dregs and say the opposite in a futile attempt to get some action. These poor suckers get shit on the most and never understand why. Hear this gentlemen – women love men who go after what they want, who don’t take a woman’s BS seriously, and treat her like a woman, not like a man in drag. Women hate suck-ups as much as they hate stepping in dog poop on the street. To a woman, a male suck-up is less than human.