Paul Biya
The first ordinary session of the National Assembly in 2016
has been slated for next month in a date yet to be announced. The usual
appointment could witness the introduction of a new political agenda that will
accelerate the holding of an early presidential election. Our intel unit has
gatherd that the National Assembly and Senate will be convened in special
sessions in February, before engaging in a normal session. The CPDM regime has
adopted the principle of discussing an early presidential election to cope with
the new leaderships anticipated in France and the US. The scheme involves
essentially changing the Basic Law and paving the way for a legal possibility
to hold early presidential elections.
constitutional amendment will conveniently open the door to this possibility.
The CPDM crime syndicate intends to spice the revision of the Basic Law with a
shortening of the presidential term from 7 to 5 years and limiting it to two
terms. It will also introduce the post of Vice President stating that he will
be in charge "par interim" in case of vacancy through death,
resignation or incapacity. Our senior informant revealed the voting age will be
modified from 20 to 18 years. With this political arrangement, it is evidently clear
that Mr Biya will summon Cameroonians for an early presidential elections.