Some Guileful Causes of Diabetes You May Not Know

There are some things that can raise your blood sugar level without you taking notice of.  Below are some of these things:


Coffee – whether black or white – can cause triggers in the body’s glucose levels. Caffeine has been medically proven to increase sugar levels in the body. In addition, drinks like green tea, black tea, and energy drinks hinder sugar regulation in people living with diabetes.

People react differently to various stimuli, thus, it’s best if a person acquaints himself with ways of tracking the influence of food and activities to his body’s sugar levels. Ironically, some components of black coffee can actually help healthy people ward off type 2 diabetes.

Sugar-Free Foods

Most individuals assume products labelled sugar-free cannot elevate their blood sugar levels. This is, however, not true as most of these foods contain high levels of carbs from starch. Thus, they may result in increases in glucose levels. It is prudent to always check the amount of carbohydrates present in the packaged foods before making a purchase, as indicated on the back of the product’s seal.

Additionally, you should also inspect the presence of sugar alcohols such as Xylitol and Sorbitol, both of which are common substitutes for sugar and may have effects on your blood sugar levels.

Spiced Foods and Foods With High-Fat Content

Foods with high fat content elevate blood sugar levels. Consuming foods such as sweet and sour chicken or sesame beef not only raise your body’s glucose levels, but also maintain them at an all-time high due to the spices and fat content present in these foods. The same applies to foods such as pizza, French fries and many other foods that have a high concentration of carbs and fats.


The body’s glucose levels go up whenever it tries to fight off a disease. Keeping the body hydrated by drinking water keeps the body’s sugar levels low. It is also practical to call a physician in case an ailment persists after taking medication.

Medicines such as antibiotics and decongestants used to treat conditions such as sinuses can also cause increases in blood glucose levels. Therefore, diabetics should be wary of taking over the counter medications. If in doubts, always consult your doctor first.

Job Stress

Pressure from work or a bad day at the office can cause a surge in the body’s glucose levels. Stress influences the release of adrenaline from the body, which in turn, raises sugar levels. People suffering type 2 diabetes are more susceptible to such conditions when compared to individuals with type 1. The best remedy for such a situation is to exercise regularly or find ways to get rid of the stressful situation.

Dried Fruits

Fruits are good for the body. However, dried fruit can cause increases in glucose levels. Reason being, you consume more in one serving when compared to regular fruit. For example, two tablespoons of raisins contain higher levels of carbohydrates compared to those typically contained in a piece of fruit.

Birth Control Pills

High levels of oestrogen are inherent in birth control pills. After consumption, the oestrogen compound affects how the body reacts to insulin. Women suffering from diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association, can still use contraceptives. However, they should consider using a combination pill that contains synthetic oestrogen and norgestimate.

Implants and birth control injections are safer for women battling with diabetes, according to the ADA.

Bagel Snacks

Snacks such as bagels, compared to white bread, can cause increases in blood sugar levels. Most store-bought or packaged bagels in the grocer have been laced with higher levels of carbohydrates and calories when compared to a slice of white bread. If you have to take a bagel, consider consuming a mini bagel. It is prudent to consult a physician regarding healthier snack alternatives.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks refurbish body cells with fluids quicker. Most of them, if not all, they contain as much sugar as soda. Such drinks are ideal for individuals who engage in rigorous exercise routines because the excess sugar will be used up by the body to regain lost energy. 

However, people who indulge in light or moderate exercise routines, benefit more from water. Seeking advice from your doctor will help you make brighter decisions regarding the choice of sports drink that is healthy for your body.

Prescription Medicines

Steroids, such as prednisone and corticosteroids, can elevate a person’s glucose levels or cause diabetes in others. These drugs are usually administered to cure disorders such as arthritis, asthma, rashes, inflammations and many other conditions.

Also, people suffering from diabetes can encounter problems with their blood sugar levels if they use drugs such as Diuretics, or in other words. Water Pills. These drugs are usually used to treat conditions such as High Blood Pressure. Some antidepressant medications can also cause increases in blood sugar levels.

The Dawn Phenomenon

This phenomenon can be perceived as the outcome of a combination of natural body transformations that occur in the course of the sleep cycle. During the period between midnight and 3:00A.M., the body requires very little insulin because this is the time the body is resting. Then in the period between 3:00 A.M. to 8:00AM, the body starts developing glucose in high amounts in preparation for the next day’s activities. In addition, it also releases hormones that are less sensitive to the insulin hormone.

With all these occurring at a time when the body’s bedtime insulin levels are getting depleted, your blood sugar levels will naturally be elevated in the morning. There are various ways to manage your morning blood sugar spikes, though it varies among individuals. It is therefore important to first find out what is the trigger before you can adopt a solution.

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